The secret is out, and this secret will help you and anyone else put an extra fifty to one hundred dollars in your pocket a month. All you need is two email addresses, a name, and an address. It’s as simple as that. There is no need to pay as long as you follow the easy steps that are listed in this article. Do not pay to earn extra cash, do this and you will earn money absolutely free.
Step One:
Go to and sign up using the first of your two emails. This first email will have less spam or emails sent to it as long as you use the other one while you are filling out the surveys. After you sign up, go to your email and click on the link to activate your account. Do this and you will have taken your first step to receiving free cash.
While treasure trooper is an excellent site to look forward to, it is good for you to always have a backup to take care of some important issues because online money making is quite difficult and you can learn more through reading FKC Concept Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 reviews.
Step Two:
Go to your ‘My Profile’ on the left side of the page and fill out all the information there. You can receive payment for this service in one of two ways. You can fill out your address and have them send in a check or, if you have a paypal account, you can simply put your email to your bank account in the box. Both ways are simple and safe. You can decide whether or not you want to receive confirmation for getting your surveys approved.
Step Three:
This is when you start making money. I recommend you first go to the cash survey link on the left side of the page. You can do three surveys a day that give you either 75 cents or 1 dollar. You check the boxes that describe you, and then the site will check if there are any surveys for you. Complete the three surveys you can a day and that will be an easy $2.25 a day.
Step Four:
After you exhausted these three surveys, you will be ready to fill out the many other various surveys under the cash offers link. First, switch the view to only show you the 100% free surveys. Before you click the done link on the survey, open and complete the survey. Doing this takes about five to ten minutes for each survey. This is were your second email comes in. For each survey, they will ask for an email. This is the email that the company’s are going to spam. Do not use any emails you use on a regular basis. After you put in your name, address, and city you will be asked to go through the actual survey.
Step Five:
When you begin the survey, it will show you many offers. On these pages, you want to scroll down and find the skip button. If there is not one, check all the ‘No’ Boxes on the page except for one then click submit. After this, click no on the next page and submit again. This way, you did not sign up for a single service. This process makes the survey 100% free!
Step Six:
Wait and watch. On the fifth of each month they send out the payments. You need a total of at least 20 dollars to receive the payments however, so do Arleta two surveys a day. You can use this money for gas, extra going out money, or even paying bills!